Understanding Window Sizing: RO vs NET (New Construction & Replacement)
If you are familiar with construction, then you may know that measuring and ordering windows can be complicated. Whether they’re for a new construction house or a replacement project, it’s crucial to know the difference between “RO” sizing and “net” sizing. Rough opening (RO) size is simply the framed opening size. Meaning after a window is framed by the framer, the width and height of the stud to stud measurement is the RO dimension. Net size (also called frame size or heel size) is the actual width and height of the window from outside edge to outside edge. New Construction: If you’re building a new house then windows are always part of the equation. Looking at blueprints it may seem obvious what the sizes are - especially if there is a window schedule. However, there can be some confusion about what the ACTUAL size of the windows will come. The important thing to know is that all specs related to window sizing on house plans is always the RO size. 2850 = 2'...