
Showing posts from January, 2023

New Construction vs Replacement Windows: Myths Busted

What do I mean by “new construction” and “replacement” windows? The way most people understand the difference between the two is that new construction windows utilize a nailing flange (fin that protrudes out from the window frame surrounding entire perimeter of the window) to install the windows and replacement windows have NO nailing flange. This over simplification of these terms often leads to buying the wrong product and poor installations. However, for the sake of mutual understanding, when I use those terms assume that is what I mean.  Nailing Flange Around Window Frame 1st Myth: When replacing windows, always use "replacement windows" - aka no nailing flange. It’s actually almost the exact opposite. Replacement windows should almost always HAVE a flange for installation.  The only times I would deem it acceptable to replace a window withOUT a flange is twofold: 1. Your house was build pre 1945 and you have the old sash weight wood double hung windows. For installing ne...